Thursday 31 December 2015

How to run a workflow for the entire list

                   Running a list workflow for the entire list

Hi everyone,

          In my last post I explained how we can run a List workflow using a Site workflow. Now we will see how to run any list workflow for a list wothout using a site workflow.

  • Open the list Where you want to run the workflow
  • Create a duplicate ( Test ) field - ex: Update ( Number type )
  • Go to workflow settings and select only the workflow will start on modification and publish the workflow.
  • Go to the list and change to " Quick Edit Mode
  • Go to the field which we created and type any number in the first column ( ex: 1 )
  • Just drag that number down to all the list items and then the workflow will start for all the items simultaneously.
  • If the number of items in that list is more, just change the items in a page to any number ( ex:1000 ) you want in the current view.
  • Don't forget to delete the field which you created, once all the items are updated.

Happy learning guys !!!

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Wednesday 30 December 2015

How to run a Nintex workflow for a list

How to run a Nintex workflow for a complete list 

Hi everyone ,

          We often end up with a problem that we have to run a worklfow for the entire list or a library in sharepoint. 

Sitting and editing the entire list is a breath taking work if the number of items in the list is more. We can follow a simple way to achieve it without much effort.

We just need to create a site workflow that starts the particular list workflow.

Steps are follows :

  1. Create a "SITE" workflow.
  2. Insert "Query list" action.
  3. Create a collection variable ( ex: var_IDcoll ) to store all the ID s of the items in the list and create a number variable ( ex:var_currentID ) for single ID and select that variable in the output.
  4. Insert "For each" action.
  5. Use the second variable ( var_currentID ) in the for each action to loop through each items in the list.
  6. Insert "Call a web service" action.
  7. Use the following web service with the site URL. ( ex: )
  8. Select the "StartWorkflowonListItem" method.
  9. Provide the List name and the List workflow name that you want to run for the entire list.

Just start the site workflow and it will start the list workflow for all the items.

Happy learning !!

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Friday 18 December 2015

Legend text length in Pie chart Using jQuery

      Legend text length in Pie chart Using jQuery

          Sometimes we may face a problem in displaying all types of chart in a constant size due to number of characters in a legend name.One solution to this is to wrap the legend text.

How to wrap the legend text in chart using jquery?

Here is the code for that

                labelFormatter: function() {
                    var legendName =;
                    var match = legendName.match(/.{1,15}/g);

                return match.toString().replace(/\,/g,"<br/>");

According to the required length size of the legend text we can change the number like below.

         var match = legendName.match(/.{1,15}/g);

            You can have any number of characters in a line which you specified next to 1 here in this code for ex:15.

Happy Learning !!!

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Thursday 17 December 2015

Add Cancel Button to Info Path Form

                          Cancel button on Info path form 

We  often need to add a "Cancel" button at the end of our info path form and as a beginner we don't know how to do it.

Just follow the steps...

  • Add a new button in your info path form where you want probably next to your "OK" button.
  • Click on Properties in the ribbon of the Info path form designer.
  • Click on "Add a rule"
  • Select the follow -- When the button is clicked ==> "Close form"

A very simple way to achieve it. 

I hope this helps in a better way !! Post your comments and queries ..

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